Saturday, June 19, 2010

My Favorite TED Talks

I had this blog post long pending. Thanks to one of my friends, this idea got its catalyst. My list of favorites from the TED ( from all the videos I have viewed over the years. Every single talk on TED has something to offer. The below list includes the ones that made me to stop for a while, think and go deep into the real meaning of the talk. Each one of them has a class of its own. The list is not ordered and not exhaustive. Some of the talks are not exactly TED hosted, but are now available on the TED site.
List :-

1. Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity
2. Jill Bolte Taylor's stroke of insight
3. Tony Robbins asks why we do what we do
4. Benjamin Zander on music and passion
5. Jeff Han demos his breakthrough touchscreen
6. Arthur Benjamin does "Mathemagic"
7. David Pogue says "Simplicity sells"
8. Brian Cox on CERN's supercollider
9. Pranav Mistry: The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology
10. VS Ramachandran on your mind
11. Jeff Hawkins on how brain science will change computing
12. Blaise Aguera y Arcas demos augmented-reality maps
13. Jonathan Harris: the Web's secret stories
14. Richard Branson's life at 30,000 feet
15. Golan Levin on software (as) art
16. John Underkoffler points to the future of UI
17. Thulasiraj Ravilla: How low-cost eye care can be world-class
18. Rodney Brooks says robots will invade our lives
19. Steve Jobs: How to live before you die
20. Michael Shermer on strange beliefs
21. Johnny Lee demos Wii Remote hacks
22. Ze Frank's nerdcore comedy
23. Golan Levin makes art that looks back at you
24. Frans Lanting's lyrical nature photos
25. Derek Sivers: How to start a movement
26. Derek Sivers: Weird, or just different?
27. Devdutt Pattanaik: East vs. West -- the myths that mystify
28. Dan Pink on the surprising science of motivation
29. Seth Godin on standing out
30. Malcolm Gladwell on spaghetti sauce
31. Bill Gates on energy: Innovating to zero!
32. Al Gore's new thinking on the climate crisis
33. Hans Rosling's new insights on poverty
34. James Nachtwey's searing photos of war
35. Emily Oster flips our thinking on AIDS in Africa
36. Yossi Vardi fights local warming

I will be attaching the links to each one of them in some days. Meanwhile, happy hunting them on TED. Thanks Pragathi for being the catalyst for this post.


  1. Wat else talk is left ... u mention most of them .. hee hee ... just kiddin ... nice to have the collection .... Cheers ....

  2. Vinay Krishna10:03 AM

    I feel no such list is complete without JKR's commencement speech at Harvard:
