Saturday, November 21, 2009

Do it for the Country - Chetan Bhagat

21st November - Chetan Bhagat addressed an audience filled with eager young people, and equally young at heart, the senior citizens of Bangalore. The venue was the Odyssey Bookstore
on 100 feet road, Indiranagar. The place was jam packed with people eager to get a glimpse of Chetan, who came with his wife and 2 kids. Also accompanying him were his in-laws
who play a great deal of fictional role in his new novel "2 States". The event was organised by Odyssey to mark the launch of the same book, and the excitement was evident from the participation of the audience. I reached late with my friend, but thankfully the event had just started. It was like a mini Press conference, where people from all corners of Bangalore
had something to express. Many shared how their own life and the story of "2 States" were similar in so many sorts :- the disconnection of North and South, the confusion, the chaos and chatter that goes on in the head of the people in love. And for once, they all found
a hero who they can look up to.
There were really interesting conversations, and Chetan's take on people opinions and their own real life drama. Not just the young folks, but even the senior citizens were intrigued by
the the style of Bhagat. All in all a great session for readers from Bangalore.

More photos of the session in the below slide share.

Chetan Bhagat Session

Friday, November 20, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

SEI Cloud Computing Webinar Q&A

I had a chance to attend the SEI Webinar on Cloud Computing as a part of the SEI Webinar series. I had posted some questions during the seminar, and hence I thought of sharing them with you. The questions were answered by specialists in Cloud Computing at CMU SEI.

What is the scope for Enterprise Cloud ?

Enterprise Cloud is the term that is currently associated to the implementation of private clouds within the enterprise. The goal of enterprise clouds is the virtualization of resources leading to reduced maintenance and acquisition costs from a business perspective and hiding IT complexity from a technical perspective.

How an existing Customer can scale their already purchased infrastructure to Cloud?

There is a term called cloud bursting that is associated to only using cloud resources when local resources are not enough. This is one way. Another way is one-time usage, which is to move to the cloud one-time processing or archiving.

How do you see the Standardization of the Cloud Computing vendors coming up, and the timeline for it ?

The only standardization effort that I know of is from Eucalyptus Systems. Standardization is going to be hard.

How do Cloud Computing Implementors convince Customers regarding Security of their data in the Cloud?

The only way would be to look at their SLAs and analyze the security clauses. If you are comfortable with placing your data given those clauses, then it should be acceptable. It is a matter of trust, both from a partner and a technology perspective.

Thanks to Shane McGraw for getting back to me with the answers.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Is that God really wants ?

It seems we Indians have a special place for the so-called God Men. And these God men attract not just faith loving senior citizens, but an impatient lot of Indian youth, ready to compromise and looking for easy shortcuts to success, ofcourse in a religious way.

I met with some of my friends (all in mid 20s), independent and aware of right and wrong, who got into the hands of these God Men by mistake or sheer bad luck. Based on the conversations I had with some of these people, I realised how gullible we all become in the hands of a God Men. Of course, these God Men have tools of their own trade required to so create the charm on their "victims". Some of the experiences of these friends of mine have been through embarrassing situations not just for their themselves but their families too. These encounters usually start with the a chance acquantanice connecting the to-be-victim's family to this God Men who supposedly holds the mysteries of what lies ahead and can diagnose or even cure bad lucks, missteps and failures in life. The family / individual strong in the faith of God gets convinced to check this God Men and hopes to fulfill the desires. What starts is a lengthy dialogue, where the God Men uses the context of an Evil Spirit influencing the life of the Victim. He then plays around with the faith of the individual and bends him/her to his / her demands. All in the God's name. Shocked relatives, and family members remain witness to this "Godly" act, disturbed but still hopeful of the "miracolous power of the God Men".
All said and done, the point I want to make is why our society so gullible to take in any God Men so serious. Why we leave the chance, the destiny in the hands of other individuals rather than taking steps ourselves. What is going on here, that we allow such God Men to make merry on our beliefs and faiths, and allow them to have their own agenda. The Agenda of Power, the agenda of Control - thats what the God Men really wants.

But is that God really wants ?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Database Taxonomy

Amazing article about the various Databases
and their classification in an intuitive

Must read for all geeks


Monday, November 09, 2009

concat() method in String class uses StringBuilder


Good link to understand that concat() method in String
class uses StringBuilder class.

Also, included in the link is the performance analysis of
+ operator, concat method, StringBuffer and StringBuilder.


Amazing Startup - Emo Labs

Sunday, November 08, 2009

My Library - Part 1

This is part of my library at home, open to world for the first time :)
It shows an array of books on topics spanning from Technology,
Leadership, Sales & Marketing, Entrepreneurship, General Fiction,
Sci-fi, Strategic Planning and others. Some of my collection here also
includes Books part of the SAPNET library that I had reviewed or
reviewing at present. Thanks to OReilly for that.
At any point of time, I concentrate on 3 books on diverse focus areas.
But I always keep referring to other in the library.

Stay tuned for part 2 of my Library, including some real exciting
additions recently.

Frontal view of the shelf

Side View (Closer)

Closer View of the shelf

View of the bottom Row

Friday, November 06, 2009

JAD Decompilation Log Analysis Tool

JAD Decompilation Analyser

Lately, I was involved in some work revolving
Decompilation of a Java Web Application. The Source
Code is unavailable, and the Client requires some
immediate changes and features in the application.
JAD comes out to be the forefront of the solution
to this problem. Hence I used the same, and found
not everything is retrievable. But JAD really gives
an extensive Log to the users abou the problems
it faced with extracting the source code.
I also needed to generate some Documents stating
per Class file basis, the status of its Decompilation,
whether it generated errors/warnings and how many.
To Solve my woes, I wrote a simple Command Line
App in Java 5.0 that parses the Log file generated
by JAD, and creates an Onscreen report stating
the following :-

1. Per file, Status of Decompilation : PASS, PASS with Warnings,
FAIL and if Errors/Warnings, the list of the same neatly aligned
with the classname.

2. Summary of Result : No. of Files Decompiled without Errors/Warnings,
No. of Files Decompiled with Warnings, No. of Files Failed

3. Success Ratio.

I hope some of you would require this at any point of time,
and hope the tool serves that purpose. I will make available
the link around Evening today (6th Nov) once I am back
to home.

See you around and keep looking for this post for updates
(link first.. )

Monday, November 02, 2009

Bangalore Cloud Users Group Meet - 2nd Nov 2009

I had been to Bangalore Cloud Users Group Meet held at
HSR layout on Monday, 2nd Nov 2009. The Agenda was
the Introduction to Cloud Computing with AWS by
Jinesh Varia, Evangelist from Amazon.
I was accompanied by my colleagues Karthik, Ankush
and Siva.
The session was kickstarted by the founders of
Bangalore Cloud Users Group, and instated the spirit
of a Users group and their vision. Then the stage
was taken over by Jinesh who presented a crisp
session, partly hijacked by the flurry of questions
from the audience (some highly relevant).
Nevertheless the event turned out to be a success,
with Pizzas and Cola treating the hungry souls.

I really appreciate the effort of Mr. Prem and
Mr. Vinod from the Bangalore Cloud Users Group
to have arrange this thoughtful session, and looking
forward for many more of the same.

Any new technology or a paradigm requires the
effort of their proponents to spread the word
and encourage the adoption. Bangalore Cloud
Users Group surely has long way to go, but has
definitely started in a style.

Takeaways from the Jinesh's talk :-

1. Interesting Case studies of AWS uses

2. Some really interesting questions from the audience

3. Security issue still a great hurdle for Cloud Computing

4. Software licensing on Cloud - utility model - a topic that
requires more discussion.

I hope to see myself to speak at any of the future sessions
of Bangalore Cloud Users Group and hope to find the
readers there too.

Only concern was the travel time to and fro for the
Event. Hope the event is held at City Centre rather
than one corner of Bangalore.

Till then Good Night